5 Pet Gadgets That Are Super Fun to Have

5 Pet Gadgets That Are Super Fun to Have

Pet owners can attest that dealing with pets’ tantrums is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We can never understand what they want, yet they’ll chew everything in their way.

My retriever was no different than your pet. I couldn’t see his long face and watery eyes. Yet, I wasn’t generous enough to watch him chew my Jordans.

So, what did I do?

I bought some toys, or you may call them gadgets that even I didn’t know existed. Besides keeping my fur baby happy, these gadgets kept him physically active too.

Now, I’ll share these gadgets with you because your pet is going to love them all. Read on if you want to know more about these gadgets.

PlayDate Ball


Kong Extreme

Petlibro Food Dispenser

Cheerable Board Game

PlayDate Ball:

In some ways, pets are just like babies. When left unattended, they can turn a house upside down. At least, that is what my dog did every time I left him alone for a day or two.

Well, I couldn’t imagine a simple ball with a camera could solve my problem. To be honest, I was quite skeptical about Playdate ball at first. However, my dog loved it so much like it was the first time he saw a ball.

As for me, I couldn’t be happier. Because, now, I was able to keep a watch on him with the installed camera inside the ball. Another surprisingly good thing about Playdate Ball was how easy to control it. By installing its app, I could move the ball in any direction, while keeping an eye on my dog. Also, with two-way audio communication, I made sure my dog ran after the ball every time it moved.

Everything aside, there’s one thing I want you to know. Without a reliable internet connection, Playdate is just another ball.


As Playdate Ball is connected and controlled via an app, a top-notch internet, such as Xfinity should be at your disposal. In case your house connection ever gets disconnected for any reason (which is rare as per my experience), here’s the Xfinity customer service number. They’ll resolve your query instantly.


Keeping the pets engaged is nothing short of a drill. Most times, they’re hyperactive while we fail to keep up with them. For instance, my dog never gets tired of fetching the ball. He could do it all day long. As for me, I could barely throw the ball for half an hour max.

Well, I found a perfect replacement whose throws are much better than mine. On top of that, your pet may get tired, but this gadget won’t. I’m talking about iFetch. Again, call it a toy or gadget, but it’s really helpful because it’ll keep your pet engaged for a long, long time.

Kong Extreme:

It’s not that I loved my Jordans more than my dog; I just wanted him to chew on something cheap. I couldn’t care less about my customized pillows or the TV remote, but Jordans were limited edition.

One day, while surfing the web, I came across Kong Extreme. It was a no-brainer because more than my dog, I wanted it for him. And voila! It was so perfect that I almost had tears in my eyes, just kidding.

The toy’s quality was so good that even after months, my dog couldn’t shred it. As I love to take on challenges, my dog has this habit too. So, he finally tore it in half but I know, it wasn’t easy because I know what his pointy teeth are capable of. Nevertheless, it was a great experience and if you’re in a vicious cycle of seeing your pets tearing their toys, go for it.

Petlibro Food Dispenser:

To be honest, I was more excited about this. Also, this one isn’t really a toy, it’s a proper gadget. It’ll ensure that your pet’s mood doesn’t go south because you forgot to feed it.

This food dispenser works with Wi-Fi. Your job is to ensure that the dispenser is loaded with treats or pet food. You can even set a time if you’re sure of your pet’s meal schedule. This way, even when partying outside on a weekend, your pet doesn’t go to bed with an empty stomach.

Cheerable Board Game:

Even though most pets have endless energy, sometimes they do get tired. And when tired, they may be on to something, you know what I mean. So, to prevent any mishap, get them a cheerable board game.

It’s a pretty simple game. All they need is to potball in the holes. But, believe me, they’re going to be inseparable from it once they start potting the balls. It’ll keep them busy and out of trouble, for sure.

In the end, don’t thank me, thank my dog if you find these gadgets helpful. I wouldn’t have come across these gadgets if he wasn’t with me, making my life a little more livable. Plus, these gadgets are widely available on Amazon, and trust me, they’re worth every penny.